React.js Rich Display

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Interfaccia creata con React.js e Rich Display direttamente nel Visual Designer

Last updated on September 23, 2019

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React.js + Rich Display Customer Lookup Template

This template illustrates the use of the React library with Rich Displays built using the browser-based Visual Designer in NodeRun.

Individual React components are configured as Rich Displays in the Designer and then assembled together using React JSX code. Node.js fetches the data for the components via REST API.

Rich Displays can signicantly simplify React application development because most components can be configured in a point-and-click manner, rather than coding markup manually.

To use Rich Display components in React, you simply utilize the <RichDisplay /> component tag.

In this example, there are 2 Rich Display components:

  • <Customers /> - lists the customers in a grid


  • <CustomerPanel /> - displays specific customer information in a panel


When a React application uses Rich Displays, maintaining the components becomes easy. For example, if you wanted to add additional grid columns, rearrange information on the panel, or add new widgets and data to a component, you can quickly complete those actions directly in the Visual Designer. When you click Save, your changes are immediately deployed without having to write any additional markup.

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